Visionary and restaurateur – Migg Eberle and the Gupf

In 1987, Migg (Emil) Eberle laid the foundation for the “Gupf” brand with the purchase of the property in Rehetobel. Tirelessly and with an almost legendary passion, Migg tackled the project. The associated farm had to be reorganized and the inn, which burned down in 1981, was rebuilt on the highest point of the knoll.

In 1989, the time had come – Migg opened theGasthaus zum Gupf.

The host often stood at the grill himself, jumped in at the service and even tried his hand as a DJ.

With his good sense and taste for furniture, architecture and his enthusiasm for art, the property grew into something unique. So the years passed in colorful bustle.

A new era began for the farm with the arrival of our farmer Albert Zähner in April 1999. With a lot of strength and energy, as well as a great deal of sensitivity for animals and nature, he continued to develop the farm with his wife Maria.

People who worked in the Gupf over the years shaped the place in their own way. There’s Daniel Humm, for example, who was named the best chef in the world (his current restaurant, Eleven Madison Park, can be found in New York). Around the year 2000 Daniel was hired for the Gupf Inn. He conjured up culinary delights from his small kitchen until he was drawn to the USA. The two still meet as friends and entrepreneurs – but it is friendship that always comes first.

The year 2003 was then one of the decisive years for the current fame of the restaurant Gupf. Walter Klose, another companion, became a partner in the operating company and the “Gasthaus zum Gupf AG” was founded. “Migg and Walter” became a household name and to this day the two share a deep friendship.

Walter, his wife Manuela and son Kilian are the friendly and warm hosts on site. Two other sons of Walter and Manuela, Fabian and Sebastian, both trained gastronomic professionals, have already provided for offspring.

With his flair for design and architecture, Migg expanded the rest of the Gupf property. A glass smoking house was developed, the wine cellars were expanded several times, an alpine lounge was created, the residential house was rebuilt, stables were added and artistic elements were staged.

As it is typical for Migg, the economic development could not end on the Gupf, of course. He took every opportunity to expand his brand “Gupf” and bought the building in the center of the village of Rehetobel in the fall of 2018. He planned with his wife, Sila Zinsli Salis, to build a hotel in the middle of the village.

Two years later, the project stood as a proud jewel in Rehetobel – the Dorfhus Gupf, opened on 17.07.2020.

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